Mauro Tollis Salon Hair Colour Group w Woodland Park

Stany ZjednoczoneMauro Tollis Salon Hair Colour Group



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281, Browertown Road, 07424, Woodland Park, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-256-2298
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8840996, Longitude: -74.2069591

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nicole Evans


    Rudest receptionist I have ever met. The girl doing my hair didn't talk to me at all and seemed pissed off. I also want to add that yes I decided to not take the service of them cutting my hair and a blow out even though I asked for it , but they literally glazed my hair with the wrong color and sent me out with wet hair.also while she was working on me someone came in after me for a later appointment and my hairdresser took her and placed her were I was. I just felt that if someone was going to this hair studio for their first time regardless with a Groupon or gift certificate they should be treated with some respect. I want to also add that supercuts came to the rescue and blew out my hair. All I'm saying is that if you want good haircut with a blowo out and a great color match go somewhere else.

  • en

    Daniela Rybak


    No complaints. Olina was great, my hair came out great and the salon was very nice and clean. Staff was really nice and so was the owner. I am not one of those girlie girls that enjoys getting her hair done or does it often, but I will be back when I need to get my hair done and I recommend this salon and stylist!!

  • en

    Sue Mileto


    I love this place. Everyone is so welcoming and kind. Oliana does a magnificent job on my hair is is super nice. Definitely recommend this salon!

  • en

    Marlene Polinik


    The Mauro tollis salon hair colour group it's very professional and Edi did a fabulous job with my keratin treatment! Very warm and friendly.

  • negaar amiri

    negaar amiri


    I bought the Brazilian Keratin groupon as a gift for my husband but it turned out to be a disaster. The staff were so rude to him and gave some sexist comments about him taking care of his hair. They burned him multiple times and didn't use enough products so the end result is not as good as expected.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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