Mattress Firm Windcrest w Windcrest

Stany ZjednoczoneMattress Firm Windcrest



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8516, Fourwinds Drive, 78239, Windcrest, Bexar County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 210-590-2441
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.5154578, Longitude: -98.3954519

komentarze 5

  • en

    Izzy Jays


    Dawn made what could have been a very stressful and overwhelming process very easy, fun, and her customer service was great. The selection of mattresses was pretty impressive, and they had very comfortable options for very reasonable prices. Highly recommend this store, just ask for Dawn!

  • James Tiner

    James Tiner


    I have purchased mattresses from Mattress Firm several times but this is the last. Horrible service. Bought a mattress and a platform. they had the mattress in stock but had to order the platform. I was told it was going to be in stock on the 20th of february. However, when I called, it wasn't in stock yet and they changed the date to the 24th. Why no call to inform me? The man at the store who answered my call stated that it was common for the particular platform and that they shouldn't have tried to sell me that. now, it's the 28th and still not in stock. very disappointed and will never shop there again. IN FACT, I am going to recommend that everyone just order from amazon. at least they deliver when they say they will.

  • en



    We came in looking for the works and Amy helped us she was great! Her costumer serves was great! And was very attentive. Would recommend this location to anyone.

  • Karen Trevino

    Karen Trevino


    Nikita and Carrie were very helpful. My fiance had a terrible bed and never knew it until we went in the store. Nik was very knowledgeable and made sure we bought the right bed, at a great price. Very stress free experience. Thank you, Nik.

  • en

    Jaymes Clark


    Carrie and Tom were great! Very helpful and encouraged my wife and I to take our time and try out many mattresses to ensure we found the perfect one. Can't wait to sleep on it.

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