Mattress Firm Wantagh w Wantagh

Stany ZjednoczoneMattress Firm Wantagh



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3235, Sunrise Highway, 11793, Wantagh, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-783-4331
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.672147, Longitude: -73.5096924

komentarze 5

  • Keith Robinson

    Keith Robinson


    Eddie and Kathy helped me purchase a new mattress today! They worked with my budget and we're very friendly. Go get a new mattress by tomorrow night - they're still running their friends and family sale - 20% off!

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    Christina M


    I never used Mattress Firm before, but I’m so glad I did ! I highly recommend them and will be using them again! We went to the Wantagh store. My Salesman Ed was such a pleasure and went above and beyond to inform us on our options, without overwhelming us. He was knowledgeable and personable. It was refreshing to have such a positive experience.

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    John M


    Wife and I walked in today and had an excellent experience. Salesman Ed was terrific! Did not fell pressured in the least. Very informative about the various products and answered all of our questions. He was very patient. Could not have gone better. We would highly recommend this store after dealing with Ed! Thx Ed

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    Melanie Marinello


    Rose is amazing! If your going to Mattress Firm in Wantagh you have to ask for Rose! My family and I went there to purchase four beds and she was such a great help. Very patient and willing to work with you! She did everything she could to make sure we got the most for our money and we were all set and happy with our beds. I purchased the adjustable base and I have never slept better. I definitely recommend anyone who is purchasing a new mattress does the same. Could not be happier with my decision!

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    Susan McCann


    Had a great experience with Mattress Firm (formerly Sleepys) in Wantagh. Salesman, Mike was a great help to a senior citizen! The entire experience was a pleasant one. Delivery next day, by 2 very pleasant and helpful gentleman as well! My Dad will be loving his new bed : )

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