Mattress Firm Upper West Side w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMattress Firm Upper West Side



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2273, Broadway, 10024, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 646-237-0731
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7857508, Longitude: -73.978963

komentarze 5

  • Michael Zurkuhlen

    Michael Zurkuhlen


    Very helpful and friendly sales staff, didn't upsell us for no reason and gave us plenty of space to try lying down on the floor models.Thanks a bunch! Been sleeping great :)

  • en

    Jack Pace


    If you need a new mattress and you live on the uws go here. Derek is very fun and easy to work with. He showed us around and explained everything then went off and let us pick for ourselves. The selection of the store was great and the deals were even better!

  • en

    Latongia Harrington


    Anjanette is amazing, always looking for the best deal for you and truly accomadating to your Preferences and needs. She was detailed and organized but most of all we left feeling appreciated and excited about our new mattress. Can't wait refer my friends to her, I truly know she will make them very happy. Thank you Anganette. ❤️

  • Sibylle Johner

    Sibylle Johner


    We had a great experience at this Mattress Firm location! We went in to try out mattresses for my son, who's getting tall. Derek was very patient with my kids who LOVED the store and atmosphere (in fact, they wanted to live there - what does this say about my house, I don't know...). We tried lots of mattresses and Derek explained the different kinds and price ranges, etc. I recommend Mattress Firm to anyone wanting to try out before buying and looking for a stress-free experience.

  • Daniel Brigano

    Daniel Brigano


    Just moved to NY and needed help getting a mattress. I was recommended to go to Sleepy's. Derek, the store manager was extremely helpful. He made recommendations and advice based on what I was looking to spend and personal comfort. I never felt like I was being talked into a sale. I felt very comfortable/confident with my decision in getting my new mattress. I highly recommend this location to anyone in need of a mattress and outstanding customer service. :)

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