Mattress Firm Parlin i Old Bridge Township

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1064, U.S. 9, 08859, Old Bridge Township, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 732-553-9599
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.4521618, Longitude: -74.2990029

kommentar 5

  • Michelle Raza

    Michelle Raza


    Lana was really helpful in helping me search for the perfect mattress for me. She checked both in store and online for what I was specifically interested. Customer service was excellent couldn't have asked for a better experience she was great!

  • Jenifer Niemi

    Jenifer Niemi


    Anthony was so helpful from beginning to end! My fiancé and I had a mattress in mind that we tried a couple weeks prior. When we went back to purchase it, Anthony stepped up to make sure we were happy with it and explained the warranty, how to make sure the mattress is taken care of and also offered the mattress protector too! Not even a week later (we chose shipping for two weeks later) we were upset because we saw a commercial about a free adjustable base, something we wanted but decided against because we wanted the more expensive one and didn’t think we needed it this very moment. I called Anthony up and he was so helpful! He worked with us to get us the adjustable base we wanted and subtracted the price of the free one, making it more worth it for us to purchase now. Thisssss guy was awesome, courteous and so helpful!

  • en

    Elle Hazard


    Mattress Firm Gateway Shopping Center in Parlin We knew we needed a new mattress. We went to a few other places before we went to mattress firm. Everything was either confusing or the sales people were no help. On our way home we stopped for coffee at Panara bread and noticed Mattress Firm next to it in Gateway Shopping center in Parlin. We never heard of Mattress Firm but we went in anyway. we were helped by a lovely unaggressive sales lady named Louise. . She helped us find the new mattress with ease. We didn't even know mattresses can be financed. we wish we went there 1st. Honestly we would not have gone anyplace else. We will be going back to Louise in a couple months for our son's new big boy bed.

  • Ashraf Meshriky

    Ashraf Meshriky


    Truly great lady knows everything about sleep solution. I love it

  • Chris Awad

    Chris Awad


    The selection here is better than others in the area. I suggest finding your mattress and pillows here but buying them over the phone or via the online chat. The sales people on the floor will charge you much more as my experience showed when I called in right after and they offered me much less but couldn't apply it to the other order. They even called the floor and they refused. I mean.. What kind of service is that. Buy over the phone. Not in store. Trust me. Sleepy's support and delivery system is terrible.

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