Mattress Firm Kings Plaza en New York

Estados UnidosMattress Firm Kings Plaza



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2484, Flatbush Avenue, 11234, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-692-4241
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.609361, Longitude: -73.922679

comentarios 5

  • en

    Philip Rogers


    Nice!!! Customer service keep up the good work :-)

  • Shawn Hobson

    Shawn Hobson


    K.C. Was extremely helpful and knowledgeable more people like him need to be employeed he was great!!!

  • en

    Benny Benny


    The service is amazing. K.c was my sales representative and he was very patient with me, answered all questions with no problem.

  • Modern Day Martha W/ Crystal

    Modern Day Martha W/ Crystal


    What an awesome experience! We have just picked out our perfect mattress and K.C. was so helpful from start to finish! He walked us thru the options and we are getting our new mattress tomorrow. Very nice experience and we will definitely be back for our future needs!

  • Lillian Tenn

    Lillian Tenn


    Valerie is the best help you can receive purchasing a mattress. She has many years of experience and determined to help you make the right choice. The store itself is huge with great variety of mattresses. You can try them and pick the best one that suits you. They delivered the next day. I am extremely happy with my purchase and the help that I received

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