Matt Umanov Guitars w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMatt Umanov Guitars


brak informacji

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273, Bleecker Street, 10014, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-675-2157
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7315488, Longitude: -74.0030742

komentarze 5

  • en

    Gabe Fowler


    Yeah, this place sucks. I went in looking for a particular vintage guitar, not really expecting to find it, and the guy behind the counter was hungover, angry for no reason, unhelpful, and insulting. After I gave up on talking to him he paced around behind the counter to bring down his blood pressure from the unbearable experience of having to talk to a customer. Even if they had the guitar I wouldn't have bought it from this dickwad.

  • builtbydream



    Great store, great staff. Went to a few guitar stores in the NYC. By far the best and coolest. Great amp room!

  • Michael Calle

    Michael Calle


    I went on Friday to purchase a left-handed Fender Jazz bass. I saw that they had one posted online. I was greeted by a friendly sales person (I can't remember his name but he has a really long bread!) who let me try multiple basses before I settled on a decision. Best experience I've had in a guitar shop in a while. Highly recommend this place!

  • Duane Forrester

    Duane Forrester


    Excellent product selection, outstanding customer service. The guys at the shop not only know a lot, they also freely share what they know. From helping me explore new sounds with nylon string guitars and resonaters, they guys took the time to demo and explain, encouraging me to be hands on the whole time. Excellent selection of amps, guitars and more. Very happy to spend my money at this shop when I'm in town! Not only will I go back, but I'll recommend them to others! If you like guitars, these are your guys!

  • en



    I recently visited New York and checked out some music stores while there. Went into Matt's store having had some earlier email conversations with him and was greeted like a long lost friend. This is a real music store, not a guitar supermarket. I was extremely well looked after by Danny, the store manager who was not only knowledgeable but totally committed to a great purchasing experience. I was looking for a particular product which seems to be all but impossible to find down here. Nothing was too much trouble. If you are looking for a new guitar or bass, go no further. I hear their other services are very good too and I have no doubt that's true based on my experience. Whether you are a local or visitor like me, I doubt you would find a better place to buy your next instrument. Thanks guys!!

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