Matcha Magic w Bellevue

Stany ZjednoczoneMatcha Magic



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10246, Main Street, 98004, Bellevue, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 425-453-1029
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Latitude: 47.610274, Longitude: -122.2032876

komentarze 5

  • Sara O

    Sara O


    What a great matcha shop! I got the strawberry matcha latte and my friend got the ube, both were delicious and not too overly sweetened. If you don't know what to order, staff will be happy to give recommendations. The interior is so cute and there's plenty of seating available. Definitely worth a stop if you want to treat yourself to a quality drink.

  • Erika Dueñas

    Erika Dueñas


    I love this place. I HIGHLY recommend this spot for anyone in the area or anyone looking for some high-quality authentic matcha. The service is fantastic and the drinks are delicious! I WILL be returning!!

  • Skywalker Feng

    Skywalker Feng


    Tried dirty matcha latte (hot) and UBE matcha latte (cold). The dirty matcha latte has a rich, authentic matcha flavor, and not overly sweet, which I liked very much. The UBE matcha latte however, is too sweet, especially the bottom layer. My biggest issue is with their pricing, which is overly expensive. They charge $7 for a 16 Oz matcha latte, while other shops charge $5.25. For $5.95 you can get a 22 Oz matcha latte in similar shops inside Bellevue Square, and there really is no major difference in terms of the quality or the flavor of the drink.

  • Lauren I. Freidenberg

    Lauren I. Freidenberg


    I am obsessed! Matcha lattes are my go to drink. Matcha Magic has the BEST matcha latte (Golden Matcha) and I can't wait to try all the flavors! The menu has so many options, ranging in flavor combinations and sweetness level. I also love the decor. I have definitely found my new favorite spot for my favorite drink!

  • Naoki Inoue

    Naoki Inoue


    Wow, I was so impressed with this place! I have had matcha lattes at many different places, but this was one of the best ones I have ever had. They don't add too much sweetener, and have the option to just have a plain ceremonial matcha too. I will be a regular customer from now on.

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