Master Rooter Plumbing w Lakewood

Stany ZjednoczoneMaster Rooter Plumbing



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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
8810, West Colfax Avenue, 80215, Lakewood, Jefferson County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 720-434-3406
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7400453, Longitude: -105.0965209

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jolanta Koch


    Excellent work done! We had our new gas water heater bought and needed it installed, we called Friday late afternoon and the reliable appointment made for Sat AM, Nick came and provided an excellent installation and friendly service. Thank you Master Rooter, thank you Nick.

  • Jacob Rainey

    Jacob Rainey


    Unethical, Dishonest and freakin $$$, got the job done for 60% of the price with DC plumbing whose estimate are actually free when they say they’re free...imagine that! I was in the ER during my appointment, how rude I know. But why you feel the need to take advantage of the person whose watching the house for me, blows my mind. Needless to say this company will be getting a lump of poop in their stocking next year if they don’t honest up. Beware folks, if they’re gonna screw you on the initial visit, you can be sure to bring your Vaseline thereafter as well.

  • en

    Candace Gross


    Needed emergency drain clean out on a holiday. Called and was told “Yes we have a technician in Colorado Springs “. Liars!!!!! 2 hours later I received a voicemail saying there was no technician in Colorado Springs. Why do they advertise and tell you they have someone coming to assist you when it is a lie? We called a real Local plumbing company and the price was was much lower than Master Rooters.

  • en

    Mark Sullivan


    WORST experience ever!! They came out to do a simple drain cleaning and ended up flooding my basement. Then the technician offered to fix it on a side deal "cash only". This was incredibly SHADY and I had to take them to court which cost me several thousand dollars. BEWARE as this was the worst experience of my life!!!

  • en

    Kathie Bluejacket


    Antonio with Master Rooter just came out to replace a shut off valve in the basement for my sprinkler system. Wow- Antonio was so honest that he told me that I didn't need a replacement. I will always call Master Rooter from now on for all my plumbing needs!

najbliższy Hydraulik

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