Master Movers w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneMaster Movers



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3200, West End Avenue, 37203, Nashville, Davidson County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 615-254-6683
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.14195, Longitude: -86.817206

komentarze 5

  • Anna-Vija McClain

    Anna-Vija McClain


    Master Movers is just incredible! I hired them to twice for a recent move and both times they went above and beyond. The first day they sent Jaquese and Stephen to move two properties to two other properties. These guys are machines. They worked for 14 hours - non-stop, no complaining, smiling and joking the whole time. They helped me breakdown and reassemble the furniture and were careful with all my fragile stuff. The second time I hired them, the team came, was super efficient and even helped me rearrange a couple items of furniture. Unfortunately, one of my TVs got damaged. Jennifer was SO helpful! She was prompt to reply to me, was apologetic of the situation, and worked with me to come to a resolution. I would HIGHLY recommend Master Movers!!

  • Betsy Cook (McHugh)

    Betsy Cook (McHugh)


    Truly the best movers we’ve ever had (and I’ve moved 4 times in the last 3 years). No one compares to how great these guys were!! Not only do we HIGHLY recommend Master Movers, we’ll request this team every time!!

  • John McClendon

    John McClendon


    The team was professional and friendly; they demonstrated care for the furniture and clothing they moved. I have moved many times; this is the best company and crew I've used by far. Great job, would absolutely recommend them to family or friends.

  • Lynnette Grant

    Lynnette Grant


    The guys were great! They made a very difficult move pleasant and doable! They were kind, respectful of my furniture, my home, and very strong! We enjoyed them and we use the company again.

  • en

    Tom Harrison


    When it comes to moving & packing service, my small business always relies on your company. The rates are very reasonable and the assistance – of the utmost quality. Your experts have the manpower to lift heavy objects and transport them safely and on time. Excellent work. Keep it up!

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