Master Eye Associates-Washington Heights w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneMaster Eye Associates-Washington Heights



🕗 godziny otwarcia

103 Yale St, Ste 100-B, Houston, TX 77007, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 713-880-3872
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7721047, Longitude: -95.3988798

komentarze 5

  • M. A.

    M. A.


    Dr. Kotlyar is an amazing Dr. My husband and I love going to her. She is very honest and helpful.

  • Donna Boucher

    Donna Boucher


    What a great experience! Conveniently located with plenty of parking. The office is bright and modern, and the staff was friendly and professional. Loved the doctor!

  • en

    Fernando Herrera


    I thoroughly appreciate the staff and Dr. Kotlyar's professionalism and care. I've had my vision checked, got fitted for glasses, and now they've helped me with contact lenses. They helped me to relax while teaching me how to insert and remove my contacts. Easy to access office on Yale Street as well. I'll continue to use Master Eye Associates for my vision needs.

  • en

    Karl Virtue


    Very nice optometrist service. Doctor Olga and her front office staff were friendly and efficient. Up to date email setup for making and managing appointments. Huge free parking and lots of shopping nearby.

  • en

    Ron Drumm


    Made a dreaded experience a learning experience. The doctor explained everything she did, in a manner that I could understand! When I received my glasses, my previous sight issues were addressed. It's been a few months since and I'm very pleased with my lenses. Definitely will return next year for a repeat performance!

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