Massage Envy - Minneapolis Calhoun w Minneapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneMassage Envy - Minneapolis Calhoun



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3254, West Lake Street, 55416, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 612-455-9000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.9486507, Longitude: -93.3218842

komentarze 5

  • Megan Elston

    Megan Elston


    They were very kind to me and my worst time in my life however they did not tell me that I should not have two massages with in 24 hours which left me with uncontrollable vomiting

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    Mary Wingate


    There is no Tea.... ? Front Desk and Theripist was Excellent but i may schedule elsewhere due to no Tea.

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    dan cooper


    WARNING!!! A 90 minute massage is actually 80 minutes, a 60 minute massage is actually 50 minutes. They say that you have 5 minutes before and after to prepare, but its taken off your massage time! Completely false advertising. EVERYWHERE else that is not a spa envy gives you the time you pay for. Not to mention the massage was run of the mill. NO, oils used or even secented air. It felt like the Mcdonalds of Massage. Ive been to many parts the world, ive gotten great and not so great massages, but i will never go back to Massage Envy!!!!!

  • Sean M

    Sean M


    For anyone that knows how difficult it is to find an exceptional massage therapist, This is not the place to find out. When they make you commit to a year long contract without knowing what you are going to get, well to me, that is not very customer service friendly. I understand its part of the business model to guarantee revenue, but it should be about pleasing your customers first. It took 4 months before I finally found a Massage Therapist "Marie" that could apply enough pressure, and responded to my body, not just gave me a generic massage. My other complaint is the only Massage Therapist I found that could do the job well, was always booked up for 3 weeks+ in advance, and as you know, when you need a massage, You simply cannot wait for 3 weeks and I didn't want to take the chance and pay for another massage when it would be a waste of time and money. On the other hand, I received an excellent Facial from "Sonya" which I was quite happy with at the very end.

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    Marsha Travis


    I was excited as I purchased a Father's Day massage for my husband and received a complimentary facial. I had previously had an excellent experience with a long term esthetician who is now retired. No problem scheduling an appointment, my facial experience was quite adequate until I arrived home and realized she had not completed extractions on several areas of blocked pores. I contacted Massage Envy and was told there was not an option to return to complete the facial, that I would need to reschedule an additional facial (according to a manager) and there was no offer to do this without a charge. I'm thinking very poor customer service here!!!! 8/4/17: After this review, I received a call from a manager who offered a complimentary facial that was efficiently scheduled and was excellent. I will be returning to Massage Envy for future services!

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