Masjid Omar Al Mokhtar i Tampa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMasjid Omar Al Mokhtar


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1307, West North B Street, 33606, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 27.946916, Longitude: -82.473226

kommentar 5

  • en

    Abdelkader Abdoudou


    Parking was a hassle other than that very good masjid and wonderful khutba💕💕💕

  • Khalid Khan

    Khalid Khan


    I was stressed out, surrounded with a lot of problems and this masjid changed my life. It brought me close to Allah and the best people I’ve come accross in the United States. I stayed here for months, had food and no one ever asked me a penny. I kindly request all readers before focusing on any negative review, please visit and witness everything yourself. May Allah bless all Muslims, guide us on the right path and keep us away from Munafiqeen and all similar acts.

  • Wajih Boulabiar

    Wajih Boulabiar


    There is a case of this Masjid against the man he claims founding the masjid.. He said in the coyrt that he bought a car fir the masjid and it is located in Boston. he claims that he gives checks to fundraising organizations. Please be aware of your money how is it spending.

  • Rezzag Ridha

    Rezzag Ridha


    Good masjid masha allah i prayed maghrib there. saved me to do my salat on time while i was passing by tampa thanks

  • en

    Arab Doe


    Through my traveling through Florida I drove down Kennedy Blvd & I seen this Masjid Shinning To the right of me ! So I Approached It To Find Help And Refugee because I lost my self . Brother Mahmoud Helped Me Learn My Dean & Supplied Me With Books , Jalabiyah "Which Is The Islamic Cloth Of Prayer" & Food and Water . May Allah Bless His Family And Soul In Sha Allah !! This brother goes through allot to keep this Sacred Masjid Of Allah Running and provide for A Huge Family . I dont know how he does it all but Allah is guiding this brother in a great path . Thank you brother for everything you have done in the short time of knowing you . Asalamualakum Peace Be Upon You And The South Florida Muslim's !

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