Masjid Of Ivy City i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMasjid Of Ivy City


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2001, Gallaudet Street Northeast, 20002, Washington, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-904-9668
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9136641, Longitude: -76.9849079

kommentar 5

  • en

    Umair Hamid


  • Rashid N.

    Rashid N.


    A nice small mosque

  • Zawuya Media

    Zawuya Media


    Praise be to Allah for blessing us with this Mesjid. I sometimes come here and pray. I pray to the brothers and sisters who support this Mesjid. May Allah reward them with Jenetel Firdos and bless them with great life in this world as well. This Mesjid is always open for people to come and pray or recite Quran or just do Zekir-le-Allah. The Mesjid, just from the look of things, needs people to support it with their money to repair plumbings, repair dry walls in the restrooms, etc. There is a metal box placed by the entrance door to collect donations. May Allah accept our good deeds. AMEEN!!

  • ar

    muayad alaameri


    السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته شيخنا الغالي وفقك الله هل الله محتاج مساجد عملاقه وفخمه ام محتاج انسانيتنا ورحمتنا للبعض ارجوك شيخنا ابحث عن الله عن طريق الفقراء والمحتاجين الذين يبحثون عن رحمه الله ورحمه المؤمنين لقد بحثت عن الرحمه في المساجد اكثر من ٥٢ عاما ولم اجدها لقد كرهنا انفسنا وديننا الذي ننتمي لها الله يصلح احوالكم وبصيرتكم وقلوبكم

  • Moc Bouba

    Moc Bouba


    Very clean....everyone spreads Salam

nærmeste Moske

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