Maryam Safai, DDS, MS i Wyckoff

Forenede StaterMaryam Safai, DDS, MS



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800, Wyckoff Avenue, 07481, Wyckoff, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-891-4425
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Latitude: 41.020137, Longitude: -74.166727

kommentar 4

  • en

    Dogan Balaban


    I have been a patient of Dr. Safai for the past ten years. I have had treatment from basic tooth colored fillings to periodontal treatments, implants, and surgical works and also cosmetic dentistry plus few root canal treatments. The quality of care and dentistry has been superior to any of my previous dentists. Dr. Safai is extremely knowledgeable, skillful, and caring and gentle dentist. She has been very helpful in educating me about my oral and general health. I am so grateful for having her as my dentist. I highly recommend Dr. Safai to all those seeking the highest quality of dentistry.

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    joe benedetti


    Thank you Dr. SAFAI for a fabulous dental experience. My mouth felt like it went to a spa. My wife and I truly were extremely happy!!!

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    Stephan Bassett


    My wife recommended that I see Dr. Safai for what had become a painful cavity. No one likes to face the prospect of dental operations. But, when the pain is no longer tolerable - my wife directed me to Dr. Safai. Well, what a relief - Dr. Safai's expertise and professional attention reminded me of why they say, "listen to your wife". The pain was gone with great care manifested in Dr. Safai's careful and sensitive attention to my needs. Highly recommend anyone seeking dental care visit Dr. Safai. But, do it to prevent what I went through.

  • en

    arlene bassett


    My experience with Dr. Maryam Safai has been extraordinary! She has been my dentist for many years and I have recommended not only family and friends, but people that I meet along the way. Strangers compliment me on the beautiful work that she has done. She is so patient and conscious of not only my satisfaction now but how I will feel about my smile cosmetically and functionally in the future. Apparently Dr. Safai is in demand and the only comment I would like to make is that I had to wait an additional few weeks before I could meet her again.

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