Mary Farrell - Keyboard and Piano Lessons - Preschool to Adult Learners w Mount Kisco

Stany ZjednoczoneMary Farrell - Keyboard and Piano Lessons - Preschool to Adult Learners


brak informacji

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30, Emery Street, 10549, Mount Kisco, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-666-2523
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.2125971, Longitude: -73.7317457

komentarze 2

  • en

    Archana Srinivasan


    Mary has been son’s piano teacher for the last 18 months. She is great with him and the two of them share a fantastic relationship. Not only is Mary talented and knowledgeable about music, but is also very passionate about the art form. She knows exactly what her students likes and takes great pains in selecting the right music for them, which encourages them and keeps them interested and motivated. Mary has a fantastic method of teaching theory and the more technical aspects of playing the piano, to her to be students. My son looks forward to his lessons every week. During lessons, nothing escapes her. She points out seemingly little things - like where the wrist is, or which part of the finger is pressing the key - all of which helps in laying a strong technical foundation and makes an accurate and graceful piano player. While keeping on top of so many facets of teaching piano, Mary still manages to keep every lesson exciting, every lesson interesting. She always had a smile on her face and always maintains a positive environment for learning. My son is very lucky to have such a great teacher!

  • en

    Sharon Ni


    As an adult beginner student, Mary’s patience is most encouraging! She uses interesting and varied tools/constructs to explain music so that it is easy to understand. She is flexible on the pieces I wish to learn - she understands that as an adult student, there are pieces we have aspired to all our life and she wants to help us make it happen! Although they are complicated for a beginner student, she never says anything discouraging, takes on the challenge readily and is effective in breaking it down to help me through it. I really appreciate that!

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