Martini Nails & Spa w Omaha

Stany ZjednoczoneMartini Nails & Spa



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1008, South 74th Plaza, 68114, Omaha, Douglas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 402-502-2883
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2497658, Longitude: -96.028273

komentarze 5

  • Terry Millens

    Terry Millens


    great spacious salon, Cyndi did a decent job on my shellac polish while Austin was very friendly and care-taking with my pedicure! i will definitely come back again update: my shellac chipped after 3 days smfh.. still would come back for a pedicure this week tho

  • en

    Morgan Scott


    They have good options on the pedicures that come with fair prices. My mom had to wait a little bit long because the salon was packed on the weekend but Austin managed to spend time and give her a very excellent service. She got so many compliments on her french nails at my grad party!!! def come back again soon!

  • en

    Meigan Thomas


    I really enjoyed my experience here today! Although the salon is super busy in the morning due to Mother day but My nails technician Lee were absolutely amazing with my dipping manicure. You might feel as if you’re walking into a typical nail salon - there’s not an over-the-top feeling of luxury, but the service is far beyond what you’d expect.

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    Madonna Erdei


    Go somewhere else! I chose to do their premium package (pedi and mani)and my shellac nails aren't even, didn't extent the brush to the tip of my nail, you can see through the polish, already chipped and I have never had that before, and my toe polish is super uneven with the appearance that a child did it. Will never go back to this place.

  • en

    Janet Burben


    I always like coming here. The staff is friendly and always remember me when I come in. I usually get their special pedicure which is just above a regular pedicure at a pretty good deal. Management is also very friendly and attentive to the customers. My nails technician Simon is phenomenal, I been coming to him for years for my acrylics nails he did a great job. Highly recommended Martini Nails Spa.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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