Marriot w Columbia

Stany ZjednoczoneMarriot


brak informacji

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8910, Stanford Boulevard, 21045, Columbia, Howard County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 39.1939002, Longitude: -76.8154713

komentarze 5

  • Stanley Poulard

    Stanley Poulard


    Best hotel that I ever stayed in. I'm going to stay for a week. Keep up the good work.

  • Bella Love

    Bella Love


    This review is 4 months overdue and I feel horrible because the customer service was TOP NOTCH!!! Two staff members in particular, Jacob and Nefertiti, made my family and I feel like the most special guests in the world! We were there for an annual religious convention and they were extremely helpful and accommodating being as though I had my 3 children with me. The entire weekend during passing, was filled with warm smiles and greetings. They take their jobs seriously and make it a point of giving their all to satisfying customers and I really appreciated that!! Need more PEOPLE like them.

  • Ken Wilson

    Ken Wilson


    Always stay at the Marriot issues on booking when traveling....

  • Jake H.

    Jake H.


    Good staff and the location is close to many amenities, however could not hook my PS4 to the tv because the TVs firmware doesn't support the graphics specifications, the door was broken and instead of completely replacing the entire lock, they removed a piece that prevented the door from securing completely closed. The laundry room door lock was broken which allowed anybody to access the laundry room without a hotel key. The laundry facilities only have one washer and dryer, that is $4 ($2 for wash and $2 for dryer) to do one load of laundry. Laundry detergent is provided by a push button dispenser, however it doesnt dispense enough detergent if you have a full load of laundry. The gym facilities are small with two treadmills and an elliptical. A few sets of free weights and kettlebells and have a water despener and gym towels. The swimming pool is decent, and provides swim lessons almost all day for beginners. No hot tub though... and there are kids at the pool almost all day; however they do separate the pool from the swim lessons and free swimming. Overall, a well kept hotel, however, better laundry facilities and a hot tub would have made it at least a 3-star hotel like it's rated online.

  • Michelle Hamilton

    Michelle Hamilton


    Beds were horrible. Did not stay the entire time. Checked in at 9pm. Checked out at 2am. Front desk staff had no care in the world. So at 2am I drove my 3 hour commute home. SMDH.. Oh.. and I paid weekend rates. Totally disappointed with Marriott

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