Маркет Авто Сейлс w Paterson

Stany ZjednoczoneМаркет Авто Сейлс



🕗 godziny otwarcia

670, Market Street, 07513, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-553-2388
strona internetowej: www.marketautosalesnj.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.90857, Longitude: -74.151348

komentarze 5

  • Nikki Nikkel

    Nikki Nikkel


    This place is amazing! The customer service is top of the line and the entire staff is so kind and helpful! Big ups to Mark the sales associate who first helped me, special thanks to sandy for being so courteous and patient and a great, great BIG thanks to Sam for A1 hospitality and running an awesome business!

  • en



    Loved our experience with this dealer! Andy and Mark were down-to-earth, polite, and accomodating. We are from PA so buying outside of town was a little unsettling but 5 minutes after being greeted we felt at ease. The vehicle we were looking at was exactly how the ad stated and was in beautiful shape. All of the vehicles we saw on the lot were equally as well kept. They worked with us to get us to where we were comfortable signing. They didn’t act put out by anything we asked to try or change. The day of pick up we met the owner; who was very concerned that we were happy and he greeted us personally and several times reminded us to just ask if we needed anything. We love our our new vehicle and recommend this dealer! No nonsense, no smooth talking, and no feeling of being ripped off. 5 stars ⭐️

  • en

    Amanda Omar


    I have now purchased four vehicles from this dealership. Sam took great care of me every time. The first car drove amazingly not to mention every vehicle I have purchased after and they are all in mint condition! I'm in love with the new car drives great and looks brand new! This is a top notch quality used car dealership. It's very straight forward, what you see online is what he has in person. I will be returning to him every time I'm ready to upgrade! Thanks Sam!

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    D Carter


    I had a great experience doing business with Market Auto Sales, Both staff and personnel were very professional. I definitely recommend this dealer to anyone, and I will be back in the near future to purchase again. Thank you for your service, I'm one satisfy happy customer:)

  • en

    Terry Boateng


    The experience i had with this dealer was very good. Reasonable prices, smooth and pleasant purchase. Andy is the man. Got me new brakes and rotors for free because the car needed new ones. I would highly recommended going to this dealer if you need a new car. They will work with you to get you the car you want.

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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