Mario M. Blanch, Esq. w West New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMario M. Blanch, Esq.


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

440, 65th Street, 07093, West New York, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-869-9898
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7928659, Longitude: -74.012456

komentarze 5

  • en

    Yosmely Hinojosa


    Mario Blanch is an excellent lawyer, he was referred to my family by a friend and we are grateful for his excellent service. I was in a complicated case, he gave me his word that everything would be fine and indeed my case was dismissed. Thank you Mario!

  • Yaimeli Montero

    Yaimeli Montero


    When it comes to Mario Blanch, Valerie Steiner and Anthony Matos, they are great lawyers. Would give them more stars if i could.

  • rami elsayed

    rami elsayed


    You promised that if I remove all the truth about how you lost my case to the biggest lie ever told and it could've been proven wrong and you ruined my dreams of being a father to my child . He promised that he will help me it's been 5 months I have been calling his office and sending him text message still no response . I wish I can say good things but but he has done nothing but make me more depressed and stressed out . My personal opinion If you want a lawyer that wants to help his clients please don't hire mario blanch he only cares about money and not your well being ! I no longer care any more if you help or not your the biggest lier ever . May God protect those innocent souls and spirit from liners and thiefs like Mr Mario ! Don't hire this lawyer he lost my case to the biggest lie that could've been proven wrong . I was 17 years old she was 32 ! I was raped and had a child with a fraud and lier and Mr mario allowed this ! Smhhhhhhhh !!!!!

  • en

    leonardo gallegos


    If you are looking for a real layer that know what to do, and do it well, Mario Blanch Is the man. I was in tough case, I hire another lawyer before Mario that wants to make me to declare myself guilty for something I didn't do, so I have to go to trail because I don't wanted to declare myself guilty of anything. Just a month before de trail I consulted Mario Blanch and he do his magic, he know very well the law and he told me that he will fight until the end, just day before the trail, thanks to Mario the charges against me were DISMISSED. honestly, Mario Blanch is the best lawyer that you can hire.

  • Ramsy Hernandez

    Ramsy Hernandez


    One of the best lawyers in the state! Helped me and my family through a very tough case!

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