Mariachi Los Gallos w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneMariachi Los Gallos


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

4400, 12th Avenue, 95820, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-731-7238
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.541097, Longitude: -121.4552133

komentarze 5

  • en

    Rosemary Flores


    Was talking to them for 3 days, I even emailed them and text messaged them and each time when I would get a hold of someone they said they would call me right back and nothing then I would call back and no answer. So finally my aunt tried calling them and this was after I told them the date and they told me they were available then when my aunt talked to them the day after I did and they said they would call me back they told her they just booked that day we needed! mind you this was me trying to book them for 3 days and me telling the date and they never returned calls or emailed back but booked someone on first contact when I had been trying for 3 days!!!!

  • Maira Castillo

    Maira Castillo


    They are very rude in trying to get them for 2 hrs a price of 450an hr and they don't even want to help you and just very rude

  • Mario Rodriguez

    Mario Rodriguez


    Awful experience. First, very rude over the phone and did not co-operate with us at all. When we had an issue with the arrangements, they made no effort in helping us out. Second, they sent the contract to a wrong address, even though we gave them the correct address accurately. Third, after waiting for the contract we tried contacting them to inform them that we never received it. After finally picking up the phone, they told us that they gave the day to someone else already. If you plan to hire this group, save yourself the trouble and don't. Best of luck.

  • Seba Mena

    Seba Mena


    We hired them over the phone for my sister in law's birthday. What a great surprise, the guys showed up on time and already dressed. Everyone at the party was surprised, they were versatile, taking requests, moved around the groups of people so everyone had a chance to enjoy they show. I would hire them again without a doubt. They made the party!

  • en

    Tony Ochs


    Wow!!! We were in major need of a Mariachi Band, STAT for my wife's birthday... The Director, Miguel and the group really came through! These guys are actually really good! We will definitely be repeated business for years to come. Thanks Los Gallos!

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