Margo Bridal Alterations w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneMargo Bridal Alterations



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1403, Slocum Street, 75207, Dallas, Dallas County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 972-918-9750
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Latitude: 32.7916403, Longitude: -96.8181458

komentarze 5

  • Emily Smith

    Emily Smith


    Margo is absolutely wonderful and literally everyone in her salon is super friendly and amazing at what they do. My sister Catherine works for her and Margo agreed to let her come in and work off-the-clock to alter my gown as a wedding gift to me. What an amazing gift!!! I was so impressed to see how much my little sis has learned from Margot and the rest of the team. Since I was coming from out of town, Catherine worked it in at the very last minute and after ONE fitting she worked her magic and it was flawless!! Thank you so, so much, I am so grateful for this amazing experience

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    Zoe Cashwell


    I vistited Margo's salon a few months ago because I saw all of her raving reviews online. I was so excited to start the process of perfecting my dress. I called Margo and let her know my wedding was in April and I wanted to see about an appointment and she set me up for the following week (it was November at the time). Upon arrival I was slightly flustered because I could not initially find their location, but once I did I felt relived but still a little on edge, definitely not how I wanted to start out. When I entered the salon, there seemed to be no one there, the front desk was abandoned and there was no way to notify that I was there other than opening and closing the door again. A few minutes later after another customer had arrived, Margo came to the front and greeted us. The other customer was there for a follow up fitting with a dress they were already working on, I was there for an estimate. Immediately I was shown a dressing room and the other customer was placed outside of it to wait as well. This made me a little uncomfortable and more flustered as I wasn't offered any help into my dress ( a large strapless a-line dress with a fairly full skirt) and I didn't like that this stranger, though seemed very nice, was just there waiting for me. I then had to put my shoes on myself to make sure the length was okay, again no assistance and the anxiety rose. After I was changed into the dress, Margo and her assistant went to help the other woman and I was left with the seamstress who was so very sweet but did not speak English very well and when I tried to tell her what I wanted she had trouble understanding me, but I want to reiterate how sweet she was and helped as much as she could with what I wanted/needed. I felt like I was not important at all and was just so flustered and overwhelmed from the whole experience. The actual assistant did not come to help me until the seamstress was done to write down everything she had pinned on my dress and then told me I could go ahead and get changed. Again, I was on my own and then I waited for about 5 minutes until she was back again from helping the other customer. I just had such a bad feeling in my stomach from the experience overall I knew I would not be continuing with them most likely, but what really sealed the deal came when they told me the price and their attitude towards me after. The assistant gave me the price, around $700 for bustle, taking in the bust and taking in the waist ( I believe that was it) and I let her know I was going to go try another place before I decided. She then questioned "So you're going to have to take the dress?" and when I answered yes, she proceeded to tell me that this was standard pricing for what they quoted and that it would be the same anywhere, etc. Again after declining, she went to go get Margo, my first real interaction other than a greeting, I let her know I would be going somewhere else to get an estimate and she said "Well I hope wherever you go doesn't ruin it." and "We don't even want your dress until Feb. anyways, I'm not sure why you brought it in so early, your body can change a lot before your wedding". These comments really sealed the deal I would not be coming back. When I first spoke to Margo to make my appointment, she was aware of my wedding date, and still recommended me for an appointment for November. I understand (I think) where she was coming from but I think her comments could have been said in a different way, that may have convinced me to consider returning. I then paid a $50 consultation fee and left. I wish my experience could have been like so many others that have left reviews. I waited until now to really reflect on this experience and give my honest review.

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    Tabetha Weeks


    Margo is the BEST! She made my dress fit like a glove! She was always helpfully, on time and super nice! She made my “problem” area no problem at all!! I can’t say one bad thing about my experience with her. She’s worth every penny!

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    Marisol Delgado


    Very rude and unprofessional just because I wasn’t willing to pay $200+ just to alter half an inch off my dress due to it being to long... I was told to go on and look for someone else who would do it for a cheaper price... I’m so glad I found someone else who did it for $40 and has 5 star reviews! I would not recommend this place to anyone. Please save your money... there is professional and kind people that will do an amazing job for a very reasonable price. If I could give this place zero stars I would.

  • mary winn

    mary winn


    This place was nice and everyone greeted you kindly. I took my wedding dress for an alteration. My dress is a size 10, but I only got that size because it was discontinued, the right price and the place I got my dress said they can alter the dress to a size 2-4 for about $300. However, they shut down so I had to scramble for places. I went here because of the reviews. Don’t get me wrong they were all nice people, but after telling me how much it costs to alter my dress...there was no way I was going to pay $2000 to alter my wedding dress that was triple the price of my wedding dress, something I’m only going to wear once. Not only was I angry and stressed, but they neglect to tell me that I had to pay a $50 consultation fee because I didn’t fall through???? Who in the world makes you pay for consultation fee? It’s a wedding dress!!!!! My goodness. Save yourself some time because it is over priced and they don’t tell you that you have to pay a fee if you don’t do business with them. This is the dumbest thing I’ve heard. Definitely will never come back.

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