Margaret E Somers DMD PA en Hawthorne

Estados UnidosMargaret E Somers DMD PA



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723, Lafayette Avenue, 07506, Hawthorne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 973-427-2121
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9629207, Longitude: -74.1562335

comentarios 5

  • rosemarie quinones

    rosemarie quinones


    Sad to say due to having to relocate soon i will be leaving a great staff behind. Dr. Somers is definitely a caring and most wonderful doctor to work side by side. The joy she carries in helping her patients in their every day needs does bring joy in working in the dental field. Of course i could never forget the office manager Melissa. Best office manager ,I must say i ever had the pleasure of working side by side with. If you or anyone else looking for an office to work close with, you found the right place to come to. Teamwork definitely does apply to this office. I will surely miss these girls they welcomed me with open arms and made me feel a part of their team. i will truly miss them!!!!

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    Ashley Britcher


    I was never a fan of dentists, but Dr Somers is the ONLY dentist I will go to! She is kind, always makes me feel comfortable and goes the extra mile with dental advice! She always makes sure to ask if your ok while she’s working on your teeth. Truly the best dentist in the area! Her staff is also kind and treats you like family.

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    Karen Reiter


    Dr. Somers is fantastic! She loves what she does and it shows. She keeps patients comfortable in a welcoming environment. My family has been going to her since she joined the original practice before taking it over and being on her own. She diagnosed an issue for my Dad that had gone untreated for many years. She also does oral cancer screenings - something our previous dentist never did. Dr. Somers is the best - you won't be disappointed with the care you receive from her as your dentist.

  • Christopher D

    Christopher D


    I like to say that I have had many difficulties with trusting and feeling comfort for not just myself, but also for my family with a dentist. Dr. Somers is one of a kind. Great staff, atmosphere, and a home feeling comfort. She is also reasonable and has the most kind caring soul. She is a professional at her craft and I can't thank her enough!!

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    Patricia Murphy


    Dr Somers is an angel. She helped me to understand the process of getting implants so I understood everything going through the whole process. I have been going to Dr. Somers for 11 years. My fear of the dentist is very apparent to her, but her professional manner and caring disposition makes me feel like I am safe and in good hands. Throughout my years of dental work with Dr. Somers I have had a very good experience and she is a wonderful Dentist and very knowledgeable. Highly recommend giving her a try , from cleanings to major repairs or a full mouth of implants. Thank you Dr. Somers and your Staff as well. Patti Murphy ( She's great for Adults, or Children)

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