Marble Nail Salon w Union City

Stany ZjednoczoneMarble Nail Salon


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1017, Summit Avenue, 07087, Union City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-553-9181
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7604186, Longitude: -74.0425417

komentarze 5

  • Maria A.

    Maria A.


    this place is not the usual nail salon I go to, but I was pressed for time and it was close to me. went in for a fill in..the tech who worked on my nails (i believe is the owner) nails were uneven and a few chipped same day.I didn't see not 1 disinfectant solutions or machines.. this place should be reported to the board of health ASAP! the following day i had to go elsewhere to get them re done. save your time and money go else where.

  • Jessica Garcia

    Jessica Garcia


    Definitely worth it, great service

  • Anita Liberato

    Anita Liberato


    They work awesome

  • en

    Aimee Meleza


    Best place ever 😍

  • Kat Coral

    Kat Coral


    If you walk in there, get out! I went for a nail polish gel change and the lady attempted to rip it off although I asked to have them soaked. When she saw how I pulled back my hand she went and then got her bowl of liquid. After 30 minutes of soaking, I notice some of my nails are curving in. She sits in front of me and starts cutting her cuticles with some of her tools that were IN her drawer, not even a sanitizer machine, and then uses one of them to scrape some of my melted polish off. I told her to stop and kindly asked her to tell me how much I owed her. I should have known better, on a friday this was probably the only nail salon who had zero customers inside and that should have been my first red flag.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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