Mansouri Inc i Greenvale

Forenede StaterMansouri Inc



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270, Wheatley Plaza, 11548, Greenvale, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-621-0580
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8093807, Longitude: -73.6270776

kommentar 3

  • en

    Mandeep Sandhu


  • en

    Kyle Halperin


    The worst. Period. refuses to honor its exchange/return policy. The owner is awful. Arrogant. Rude. Nasty. Sold my son a pair of shoes, he returned them, labels on, unworn and the owner told him they were worn. No one wears shoes with the label and plastic loops still on them. He scared my son. The owner was able to take my son's $220.00, but not treat him nicely when he tried to exchange the shoes. Store manager Rubino was there. She too conceded to me that she was shocked by the owner's demeanor. I later went back; she wanted to take the shoes back and give a refund, but was scared to. I left messages, and a written note. Not so much as a call to me. They have the shoes and my $220.00. Next stop, District Court.

  • Zack R

    Zack R


    The owner sold me a $150 light brown leather belt with a gold buckle. The buckle broke the first time I wore it. When I returned to the store the owner was abrasive and said that he sold 20 of these belts they all broke and that the only thing he could do is replace the buckle with what is undoubtedly the cheapest shiny silver buckle he could find (I've never seen a silver buckle on a brown belt before because it clashes)...I went to lunch next-door and came back to show a friend who asked if I could have a credit or something that didn't look mismatched and he had the nerve to tell her to "shut-up." This man is a pig. Don't shop here. You were warned.

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