Manor House Cabinetry , Inc. w Saddle Brook

Stany ZjednoczoneManor House Cabinetry , Inc.



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548, North Midland Avenue, 07663, Saddle Brook, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-509-8888
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9158096, Longitude: -74.1093829

komentarze 5

  • en

    Susan Ludzki


    We were very pleased with the job that Fred did for us. We found him to be very easy to work with and extremely responsive. The quality of the work was excellent and everything was done in a professional manner. He stands by his work and will come back if there are any problems. I would highly recommend him.

  • en

    Richard Vollkommer


    "Fred and Marie did a great job in helping us redesign our old bathrooms and kitchen. We are very pleased with the quality of cabinets, countertop, tiles, etc. that we purchased from them. they provided very helpful ideas on what to buy." I wrote this two years ago. Recently the hose on our sink needed to be replaced. The plumber wanted to know the manufacturer so he could get a replacement. I didn't know so I wrote to Fred. He got back to me in a day with the name on phone number for me to contact the manufacturer. This is another example of the outstanding customer service Manor House provides. I would highly recommend them to relatives and friends.

  • en

    Cheryl Lubin


    We cannot recommend Fred of Manor House Cabinetry enough. He was so professional and pleasant that it was a pleasure dealing with him. His creativity brought a lot to the table and we are super delighted with the end product. If you are thinking of a kitchen or any built cabinetry ( he did a fantastic wine nook for us as well) do not look any further. Our house is open to all who would like to inspect the craftsmanship and the design.

  • en

    Marilyn Bodner


    Marie and Fred were extremely nice and helpful in picking out tiles and a cabinet for my new bathroom. They really worked with me and the outcome is fantastic. My new bathroom is a showpiece. The counter came out super. I highly recommend the Manor House Cabinetry. They have very high quality cabinets. There warmth helped make the whole process so much easier.

  • en

    Marina F


    Very professional; friendly; try to help with any of your project needs. Marie have a great taste and can give a nice designer's recommendations. I did a big bathroom and kitchen project with them few years ago and was 100% satisfied. This spring I couldn't find a professional for my other project and I called them again and they recommended a very good guy to me who did a great job. Quickly, professionally and for a reasonable price. I will definitely come to them again with any new project.

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