Mandee w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMandee



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2941, Avenue U, 11229, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-934-5883
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6006562, Longitude: -73.9412763

komentarze 5

  • Mo



    I need to place a corporate complaint, on misleading staff members. I went to Mandee on 2941 Avenue U Brooklyn Ny 11229. I needed to buy a dress for a wedding, in which before I purchased the dress I asked the girl the return policy. She (Stephanie) disclosed that it was two weeks after purchase. So I purchased the $45.00 dress. Not 30 minutes later I changed my mind, selected two different dresses and ask to exchange and refund. At which, the girl now disclosed to me that there is no refund policy, only store credit or exchanges. I told her she did not disclosed that before I purchased the dress. If I would have known that, I would not have purchased it. She then told me she said "Two weeks exchange" and pointed to the receipt. And which I said again you didn't disclosed that BEFORE I purchased the dress. Once again I would have not bought it IF that was the case. So she told me either to find something within the store or receive a gift card. And that certain items are buy on get $10 for the second. She said I can get a pair of Jeans, after trying on the jeans in the dressing room and coming back to purchase them they now said I need to pay an extra 24.99. And THEN disclosed to be its the higher priced item then $10 off the second item. Again they didn't disclose the small detail which again gave me a run around with misleading information. At which I explained I don't want anything else. I want my refund back. At which point I had to settle for a gift card for $9.02. I don't shop here often, I do not need a gift card. I do not need to "give it to a friend" I just want my refund back. I will disclosed to you the receipt number, gift card information, transaction ID. I just want everything to be straighten out.

  • Greisy Espinosa

    Greisy Espinosa


    I like the clothes, they have a good selection, however some of the staff member have an unprofessional attitude when you ask for help.

  • Celenia Mo

    Celenia Mo


    Great selection of casual clothing and shoes at a low price. The staff is very friendly and always ready and willing to help.

  • en

    sparkle karatali


    Mandee us a good shopping place the prices is great an the customers service is excellent

  • Dima Rusamov

    Dima Rusamov


    Жена в восторге

najbliższy Sklep odzieżowy

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