Mandee w Kearny

Stany ZjednoczoneMandee



🕗 godziny otwarcia

270-272 274 Kearny Avenue, Kearny, NJ 07032, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-998-7433
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.760297, Longitude: -74.1507527

komentarze 5

  • en

    Alejandra Rivera


    Worse Mandees I've ever been too. I would give no stars but I have no choice but to choose at least one. The customer service is ridiculous and how unprofessional was the "manager" not helpful at all. Some lady asked to use the bathroom and she told her NO! there's no bathrooms in the store. How ridiculous that there's NO bathrooms for customers to use in this Mandees. What if the lady had a kid and the kid had to use the bathroom. This store is not worth your time go else where and spe d your money. The clothes got cheap and the customer services is HORRIBLE!!!!!!! I will NEVER return here. But if you do come, make sure you use the bathroom elsewhere because THEY DON'T HAVE A BATHROOM for their customers.

  • en

    Syl Silva


    20 minutes to store closing, an employee scream out from the back of the store "store closing in 5 minutes" not professional at all

  • en

    American Crackheads


    My daughter loves your clothes and everything in the store 😘♥️♥️♥️

  • Jenny Alvarez

    Jenny Alvarez


    Worst customer services!!! With all the stupid-strict policies they have I see their stores closing down for business soon. Nobody wants to buy clothes in a store where you can't return an item that didn't fit !!!! With receipt and everything , okay exchanging for something else and they still come up with different stories!!! Ridiculous policies and worst customer service!!




    I love to shop in this store I can find whatever I need. The staff and management are the best treat you like family. I definitely would not go anywhere else.

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