Макдоналдс w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneМакдоналдс



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
8651, North Freeway Service Road West, 76140, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-293-1672
strona internetowej: www.mcdonalds.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6281013, Longitude: -97.3205397

komentarze 5

  • en

    Racheal Rivera


    They let me order a Carmel farpie, large dr.pepper no ice, and a medium ff. Got to the window and had a small dr.pepper no frapie.

  • en

    Clinton Holland


    Friendly staff. Get your food quick. Have never had any problems with my orders or the food. Good location.

  • Tamekia Jackson

    Tamekia Jackson


    I bought a 2.00 bacon double and a smoothie, I had a free smoothie coupon in the app. The first mistake they mixed up my order with my fiancee order. Go to the window and tell them I'm coming in. We go in, I ask for the manager tell her they charged me for the smoothie and gave me the bacon mcdouble fo free. She fixes it gives me 13 cents back. We leave.... Second mistake I have no bacon on my 3.00 bacon mcdouble that should've been 2.00. I go back and tell her again then they had me pull up to the window and gave me another sandwich. This time it has bacon on it. I still was over charged for my sandwich and did get my change back!!! I will never come back here again!!!

  • en

    Glenn Cutinello


    Food was awful! Fries were soggy. The wait was way to long. The only good part was the server. She was very nice and really trying to do her best.

  • Lou Miller

    Lou Miller


    Got in and out quickly. The table was clean and the food was hot and fresh. Drove by about 30 minutes later and the place was absolutely packed and we would not have had time to stop in or drive through if we had gone later in the morning.

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