Макдоналдс i Azle

Forenede StaterМакдоналдс



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597, Northwest Parkway Street, 76020, Azle, Parker County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-444-1696
internet side: www.mcdonalds.com
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Latitude: 32.8993998, Longitude: -97.5459424

kommentar 5

  • Karlene



    Minimum wait time. Charismatic staff and order is always correct. Love coming here

  • en



    Most of the food is pretty good especially the burgers unfortunately I'll be over there at 5 a.m. in the morning most of the time they don't unlock the doors like they're supposed to until 10 after or 15 after the hour which is too late for me I've got to be someplace by 15 after

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    Peggy Husky


    After having a really bad day yesterday and to be greeted this morning with a happy face and a good voice attitude it was pleasant it began my day off well.

  • Cera Dyson

    Cera Dyson


    My sister and I stopped to grab a bite on our way to an appointment, and we used the kiosks. (Which is totally fine.) However, I rang in several extra sauces and at least 10 extra ketchup packets, and extra sauces run at .50 cents each if I remember correctly. It was there in black and white on the receipt. So we sit down and wait for our food which came out relatively quickly. I accidentally hit the “Take out” button even though we were dining in, which was my bad, so we ended up getting a bag instead of a tray. No big deal. Except my sister opens the bag and realizes absolutely NONE of our condiments are in the bag. I pulled everything out and checked myself. And let me just convey that we ordered nuggets, tenders, and fries. Nothing complicated. Nothing that could be misplaced on accident. So I go up to the counter with the receipt and tell JENNIFER, “We didn’t get any of our condiments.” So she takes the receipt and asks me, “Which ones?” I’m a little taken aback, since she’s holding the receipt. So I just respond, “Everything on the list.” Jennifer proceeds to roll her eyes and throw up her hands like I did not just speak to her in a polite and civilized tone. She then takes a handful of ketchup, and only two of the sauces on the counter and says in a very clipped and annoyed tone, “There you go.” Now, I’m a server. I know how it feels to get complaints. However, I also know to not be dramatic and not blow a minor inconvenience out of proportion. So when I convey that I’ve never met a food service employee that is so RUDE and in her own head, I am not exaggerating. So my sister tried to give it a go, who also works in customer service, I might add. She came back with two ranches. So that was the last straw for me. I spoke to a manger. This was not a consolation. The manager was civil, but she did speak to me like I wasn’t a 20-year-old woman being very polite, calm and unbiased. Instead she talked me down like I was a preteen who just got into a screaming match with her employee, and basically conveyed that she was not going to believe me, nor do anything out of consolation for the inconvenience. I will also be filing a formal complaint and contacting the owner of the location, and will not be returning. Not that it matters to the management, because clearly they are indignant to their customers contentions.

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    Tena Rushing


    What exactly is going on here? You. HAVE to order from a kiosk now? RIDICULOUS. Not planned out very well either. No greeting from staff. Takes longer to order than it would take to normally order and eat combined. What's next, are we going to cook out own food also? This is the end of my done in experiences here

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