Макдоналдс w Grapevine

Stany ZjednoczoneМакдоналдс



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5345, William D Tate Avenue, 76051, Grapevine, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-421-9878
strona internetowej: www.mcdonalds.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.882225, Longitude: -97.098035

komentarze 5

  • FranX Leung

    FranX Leung


    May 2018: I wanted to write an update to my review since they have completely remodeled this McDonald's. It looks very modern and open. The children's play area is significantly smaller than the previous one so it gets pretty crowded during meal times. There's much more open space with the same amount of seating. They got rid of the old video games and now they have 2 tablet-style devices with multiple games to choose from. They have installed computerized ordering systems into this location like many other McDonald's have been doing. The staff is friendly. The drive-thru route still blocks parking spaces when it gets busy. Jan. 2018: This location serves pretty standard McD's food. While the staff wasn't rude, they weren't as outwardly friendly as other McD's I've been to. This one has been here a long time and the drive thru route isn't particularly well-designed. It blocks parking spaces when it gets busy. Many other McD's have better drive-thru route designs. This one has a very nice playground for kids.

  • Janelle Sikora

    Janelle Sikora


    My first time visiting this location and I screwed up in the drive thru- totally blew passed the first window because it’s built into the corner of the building! Luckily they took my payment at the pickup window, but please don’t make anymore drive thrus like this! Fries were hot and fresh, but Mc chicken was stale as if it had been sitting awhile.

  • en

    Brett Turner


    Beautiful remodel. Good staff and fresh food even at 3:00 when it's really slow which isn't true of all of these stores.

  • en

    Claire Lohman


    I have kids and occasionally stop by McDonald's for a break. This place is by far the best. Friendly staff! The manager seemed always nice but today my cashier was above and beyond too!

  • dreadnoxx



    The staff were really REALLY nice. I came 5 minutes before closing and they still had smiling faces and were polite. (Not a hint of frustration can be seen on their faces) Food was fresh and hot. I had to wait 3 minutes for them to cook my 20-piece chicken nuggets but that's to be expected. I didn't mind waiting. DO GET THE SZECHUAN SAUCE if you can. They're amazing. Overall, I had an awesome experience. I'm definitely coming back to this location.

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