Mail & More Inc w Glen Rock

Stany ZjednoczoneMail & More Inc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

233, Rock Road, 07452, Glen Rock, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-447-6245
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9626381, Longitude: -74.1305585

komentarze 5

  • en

    Moshe Gottesfeld


    A really warm and friendly place. This is the way business should be run.

  • em ily

    em ily


    Great customer service! I had a label issue at the USPS office and they were so unhelpful about it, it was one of those customer service encounters that was so absurdly bad, it kinda brings your day down. Then I go here to drop off my UPS package, same label issue.. the gentleman was so nice & helpful about it, *complete* 180 from the other place. And learned they take USPS packages too! This is my main mailing place now. & thank you to the man who treated me kindly, you completely undid that bad experience I had just before walking in the door.

  • en

    Gus Gormann


    I wonder if the MMR in Jason MMR's name stands for "Mail & MoRe." Nothing like an unbiased review from someone associated with the business as they pose to be a customer. Makes me wonder how many of the other 5 star reviews are fakes left by the owner's relatives. Very confused with the other reviews. Great staff and great service? Eager to help with a smile? Those descriptions are just about the exact opposite of the experiences I've had there and I've heard several other people agree with me. Times I've been in there, the employees were very rude and acted as if their customers are inconveniences.

  • Luis Urbina

    Luis Urbina


    Phenomenal customer service; efficient and friendly. I came to get notary service and send pre-paid FEDEX and from the time I walked in until the time I left they were very respectful and helpful. The guy found out I was military and provided me free notary services.

  • Joseph S

    Joseph S


    I am giving this place 5 stars for the simple fact it's the only place in town that I can drop off pre paid UPS and FedEx packages. I am in here a few times per month. I have not used any of their other services yet, but I am extremely happy and pleased with the drop off.

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