Maiden Lane Studios i San Francisco

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Forenede StaterMaiden Lane Studios



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80, Maiden Lane, 94108, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 415-274-9940
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.7883463, Longitude: -122.4048886

kommentar 5

  • Gavin Freeman

    Gavin Freeman


    Maiden Lane has a warm feel as soon as you walk in. All the instructors are very well trained and knowledgeable. Also, the studio was very accommodating to me when I needed a refund for some classes due to a personal reason. Would highly recommend to anybody living in or visiting SF.

  • Lisa Klemysheva

    Lisa Klemysheva


    Very nice feel, a friendly place. The workout was exceptionally good, the teacher -professional and funny. Level of cleanliness very high in comparison to otter things in town. No shower, but they provide small towel and lockers

  • en

    McKenna Brown


    The classes at Maiden Lane are by far my favorite work out, EVER. I absolutely love how the instructors at the studio teach the classes! I am now located in Los Angeles and I cannot find a barre class like theirs. My favorite class was the booty bar class and I loved how much time we spent on the bar, it seems like every other class I have taken is mostly floor work. You will not be disappointed if you take any class at this studio. Everyone is so welcoming and helpful.

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    Cynthia Wisehart


    I was vacationing in SF and dropped into this studio on a whim, wearing slightly stretchy cords and a t-shirt, damp from the rain. I had nothing else with me to wear. I guess I just felt called in. The quaint street, historic building and graceful rooms have a lovely European feel--almost like Maiden Lane in London ;). I was greeted by Ramona, who swiftly adjusted to my unorthodox appearance and request. Yes, actually she could do a private right then. I'm pretty much a beginner, I have never taken a private, and she adapted almost immediately--spontaneously creating a teaching experience out of thin air. I got so much out of it! I came away with some critical clarifications that I have used every day since and which have pushed me forward in ways I could not have imagined. I'm grateful she went with the moment, and also grateful for the choices she made in how she saw me, and what she corrected and communicated. Seems like a quality place with a sincere mission.

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    Robert Johanson


    After 7 years living in SF, I've tried every studio possible, or close to. Once I stepped foot in this place, I knew I was somewhere special. Lauren, Ramona, and Jean have kept me on the path to a better life. I started with yoga and Lauren and Ramona have helped me increase strength and flexibility, helping me feel a much stronger connection to my body and how it works. I can never leave this place. I wish they opened one up in the east bay. Oh, ya, and love the FST. Thanks for telling me you guys were on Google +. You should share that with everyone.

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