Magnolia Hotel Denver, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel i Denver

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Forenede StaterMagnolia Hotel Denver, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel



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818, 17th Street, 80202, Denver, Denver County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 303-607-9000
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.7468254, Longitude: -104.9922542

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lauren Langdon


    I visited this hotel a month and a half ago and I had an amazing experience. We still talk about how helpful and friendly Heather from the front desk was. Heather gave us fantastic recommendations on restaurants. She remembered us throughout our trip and asked us about our day and gave us even more ideas. There’s fresh cookies and milk every night, which made us look forward to going back at night after a long day of sightseeing. The location is perfect and the nearby Walgreens made it easy to pick up any last minute essentials.

  • Hannah Castleberry

    Hannah Castleberry


    We were in town to wedding plan and so we didn't spend too much time at the hotel other than just to sleep but it was beautiful and our room was very comfortable. The attendants at the front desk and the valet booth were very welcoming and friendly. The elevators were super cool also. They had restored the original lifts and they had this really cool art-deco feel to them and a little plaque stating "est. 1910"

  • Gerard Hammond

    Gerard Hammond


    The inside rooms on the lower floors feel very claustrophobic as the windows open up into the centre gap of the building. Definitely ask for a higher room with an outside view if you want to see the sky. The rooms are furnished very nicely. The rooms aren't large. These rooms probably were fantastic 100 years ago. It is a renovated original skyscraper with restored lifts. 3.9 stars

  • Duncan Henricks

    Duncan Henricks


    This is a beautiful hotel in a great location in Denver. We stayed on a Saturday night and received a very good rate. Our SPG Gold status was recognize and we were upgraded to a complimentary one bedroom suite with was gigantic. We really enjoyed the gas fireplace in the living room if the suite. A fellow playing the trumpet on the street outside our room from 3 to 4:30AM was interesting and a bit annoying but the hotel isn't knocked as it was something they could do nothing about.

  • da

    Preben Uldbjerg


    Super fint flink folk gode p forhold

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