Magnolia Dallas Downtown i Dallas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMagnolia Dallas Downtown



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1401, Commerce Street, 75201, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 214-915-6500
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.7801851, Longitude: -96.7990857

kommentar 5

  • en

    Josh Perkins


    The staff was all great; polite and courteous. The lounge is reasonably priced for the convenience. Room was clean. Linens we're good quality. Top it off with a convenient location. I'd stay again.

  • Candice Gibson

    Candice Gibson


    Stayed at this hotel for a conference. My employer paid for the room prior to us arriving and my card was out on file. There were no incidents and we checked out with no problem. 2 weeks after I checked out a charge for $670 shows up on my account. When I call the hotel no one can explain to me how it got there. The accounting manager never returned my phone call, but my employer was able to speak with them. The next day I check my account there is a second charge for $779. Once again no one can tell me who authorized this charge! I will not be staying at this hotel again.

  • Kabir M Aswani

    Kabir M Aswani


    Was an absolute joy staying at the Magnolia in downtown Dallas! Large rooms with a kitchen attached. The service was absolutely the best and the hotel manager John made sure that we were very well taken care of. The breakfast spread was quite nice and I also enjoyed using the gym. A great place to stay and lots to do around the hotel.

  • Peter Z

    Peter Z


    The hotel is a beautiful old building that has retained a lot of its history. The staff are very friendly and helpful and make check in easy and do their best to accommodate your requests. My wife and I ordered dessert last night, and when they realized they were out of the cake, they sent us ice cream and comped it for us. I've had better breakfasts, but for a free buffet, it's excellent. They also have free WiFi that's fast enough to stream videos without interruption. Also, is supposedly haunted. So if you're into that, you can get your spook on.

  • alapati fuimaono

    alapati fuimaono


    This will be my second time staying at this beautiful hotel and certainly not the last. There’s something about it that makes me feel at home. Nostalgic.. The staff is always friendly and wonderful and the rooms have always exceeded my expectation, more than any other hotels I’ve stayed. Especially the well known and more expensive. Downtown Dallas is lucky to have this jewel as one of their options. Thank you for never disappointing. Kindly, Nikko

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