Magleby Ben DDS w Clovis

Stany ZjednoczoneMagleby Ben DDS



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2127, Herndon Avenue, 93611, Clovis, Fresno County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 559-900-4009
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.8379403, Longitude: -119.6767367

komentarze 5

  • Emily S.

    Emily S.


    Absolutely wonderful staff, office, and service. Best dental experience I have had. We have taken all our kids to see Dr. Magelby starting with their first tooth. He is wonderful with kids and will make them balloon animals. Kids get a token to purchase a prize from the toy machines in his waiting room which is just the cherry on a wonderful visit. They are accommodating and will always schedule my kids together with my visit. Although not part of their job description, his staff will watch and entertain my boys while i have xrays. Coloring books, movies etc are a few ways they keep them busy. Cleanings are thorough but gentle. I have no complaints only praises. Last but not least, there's always water and complimentary snacks available. Would recommend to anyone without reservation.

  • Rey Tee

    Rey Tee


    Amazing dentist! So glad my wife found them. I’ve had bad experiences with dentists. Dr Ben and staff is great! They are professional, friendly, and very considerate. They make sure your ok during the entire procedure. Highly recommend. They went above and beyond to help me with my teeth. I can’t thank them enough.

  • Ryan Stenstrom

    Ryan Stenstrom


    Zero wait time, I arrived 30 minutes early, and they brought me in immediately. In and out in less than an hour. The staff was very friendly, professional, and the facility was spotless. Dr. Ben is easy to talk to and very down to earth. Megan the hygienist was outstanding, highly skilled, and knowledgeable. I will definitely keep going here in the future.

  • Eric Larsen

    Eric Larsen


    Great office. Dr Ben and his staff (Linzie McKinney) are great with kids and adults. They are efficient, clean, and nice. I highly recommend them. My sons memory of the dentist was getting a token to use in their lobby to “buy” a toy. He has not anxiety going to the dentist!

  • Renee Alejo

    Renee Alejo


    I can't say enough about this place. I've been bringing my daughter here since she was 3. She is 6 now. She LOVES going to her dentist every6 months. Everyone is so kind, great with kids, and they do excellent work. Seriously, A- team! I recently started going myself, and I couldn't be more pleased. My hygienist, Katie, was extremely kind, patient, and thorough. You can tell everyone takes alot of pride in their work. Dr. Ben is fantastic and has only the best working with him. They have an awesome in-house plan for pricing as well. They do not do not up-sell. They do what is needed, and only what you (the patient)approve. We love Dr Ben's office. Thank you guys!

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