Magic Furniture House en New York

Estados UnidosMagic Furniture House



🕗 horarios

2417, McDonald Avenue, 11223, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 347-462-4405
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5932992, Longitude: -73.9733494

comentarios 5

  • en

    Sanja P.


    Space saving furniture from Europe great quality!

  • en

    Olga SV


    These guys are awesome! We bought bedroom set and kids furniture from them. Pleased with high quality! Excellent customer service! Igor, the owner, is very helpful & patient. He spent a lot of time with us to accommodate our needs. The furniture delivered on time and fast set-up. Recommend them!

  • en

    john jo


    Shopper, beware of these scammers. Will sell you China made poor quality furniture for premium prices but will quote as if it was made in Italy. Terrible service, STAY AWAY!

  • en

    jeff mac


    worst service ever , if it was possible i will not give them even one star , they selling products that on display one type and deliver something else .the owner Igor is arrogant and when he can't resolve the dispute he suddenly not speak english and try his excuse that he speaks only russian , very shady business practice .

  • Alex Shiferman

    Alex Shiferman


    The only Rimobel distributor in the area. Great kids furniture selection.

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