Magic Collision Center en New York

Estados UnidosMagic Collision Center



🕗 horarios

150-42 12th Road 150-47 12th Road, Whitestone, NY 11357, США
contactos teléfono: +1 718-747-1000
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7983199, Longitude: -73.818266

comentarios 5

  • Veronica Blanco

    Veronica Blanco


    The best place in town to fix your car. Edgar is great, same as all the personnel in the place, they make the effort to go above and beyond to take care of all your needs

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    2nd time getting hit and having to go through the whole process. Worked with Edgar specifically and definitely would come back here next time. Edgar called with any updates and made sure that the car rental time was extended whenever needed, something the previous shop didn't do and I was forced to pay a couple hundred for. Fixed the car and got it polished too. Overall very professional.

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    Santosh Rao


    It's hard to find good service these days, especially when it comes to body shops and mechanics, but these guys are really first class. I brought my car in after an incident and Frank worked his "magic" with my insurance company and in less than week I got it back looking like it came off the showroom floor and I didn't have to come out of pocket for a penny. Don't waste your time with other shops that like to play games and treat you like garbage. Come here, period.

  • Justin LiGreci

    Justin LiGreci


    These guys are the best, after getting side-swiped I brought my car in and about 14 days later I was able to pick it up and it felt like it just came off the lot. Everything was in perfect order and working.

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    Neal Finkelman


    Great experience. Edgar in particular could not have been more professional and helpful. The work was beautifully done and in a rather short time frame. Would highly recommend to anyone in need of auto body work. The overall experience exceeded all expectations.

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