Madrag and 10 Spot en North Bergen

Estados UnidosMadrag and 10 Spot


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5601, West Side Avenue, 07047, North Bergen, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-319-1400
sitio web:
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Latitude: 40.7947449, Longitude: -74.0335768

comentarios 5

  • Kiffin Kilkenny

    Kiffin Kilkenny


    A good no bus runs when ever it feels

  • en

    maria martinez


    I think is ridiculous that even if ur trying to exchange something that has the tag still on it n you can tell it wasnt worn they wont let u exchange it without a receipt , i told the lady it was agift n it doesnt fit me its too small ans she still hasked me if i have a receipt , knowing is from their own store n it was baught 3 days ago, they still cant even exchange it , i think is very poor customer service and i will be blogging and putting this on every social media so people know never to buy in any of the madrag , and i will let my friends also post this in their social medias as ell , its horrible people never buy there .

  • Aviad Tevel

    Aviad Tevel


    משרדים יפים מאוד

  • en

    Jocelyn Moreno


    i find it ridiculous that they don't do refund on credit cards or cash due to their "low prices" yeah right $25-40 for a dress that isn't of good quality, you guys lose business by not doing refunds, it's not fair for those who want to try something on like shoes at home and if you decide they don't look good with your outfit or what ever the case may be, for them to not return your money on some $40 shoes thats just stupid.

  • Eddie Padilla

    Eddie Padilla


    The World Corporate office of 10 Spot and Madrag as well as Vanilla Sky

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