Madison Wine & Liquor w Dumont

Stany ZjednoczoneMadison Wine & Liquor



🕗 godziny otwarcia

68, East Madison Avenue, 07628, Dumont, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-384-2051
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9407993, Longitude: -73.991143

komentarze 4

  • Dan Mirza

    Dan Mirza


    Friendly service, family owned, decent selection.

  • en

    John Oh


  • en

    Garrett Dripchak


  • Ron S

    Ron S


    Please let me start by saying I’m not racist in any way. I have no ax to grind with any color or creed. That being said this shop owner who is Asian has nothing but distain for non-Asians. My son best friend is Korean and told me so is the owner His father goes there and the owner is very nice to him. I walked in and said hello to the shop keep, no greeting back nothing but a nasty look. He had his bare feet up on the counter playing an IPhone game. I collected what I was buying and put on the counter. Man continued to play game for another 30 sec or so sighed and got up and rang me up. He never told me the price I had to read it off the register. I gave him my credit card he ran it through and threw the receipt across the counter at me to sign. I said thank you and he sat back down and started playing again. I felt like a jackass giving this man my money, I asked around and he treats all his non-Asian customers like that. We do not have a large Asian population in this town I’m surprised he stays in business treating other people like this. Oh and he is more expensive than most stores TOO!

najbliższy Sklep alkoholowy

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