Macy's w Culver City

Stany ZjednoczoneMacy's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6200, Slauson Avenue, 90230, Culver City, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 310-390-8911
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.9864, Longitude: -118.393608

komentarze 5

  • en

    Avery Brown


    Nice macys. Don't love that mens and womensnis split in 2 buildings though.

  • David Berman

    David Berman


    A bad day for Macy's, tone for the visit set as I entered the shoe section as a manager was ripping an employee on the phone in a loud and threatening way with dismissal. I have managed for ages and letting someone go is necessary at time but not within earshot of the public. I left about a half hour later and the manager was still being verbally abusive to the receiving party which was very distressing. I certainly did not hear the other side of the call but I've dealt with managers such as he, bullies,! Take it into a closed room Mr. Manager.

  • en

    Dulce Martinez


    Basically a more expensive Ross because wow the place is a mess (obviously not their fault that the customers are trash and literally can't put clothes back on the racks).

  • M



    What a bunch of confused idiots. I guess Macy's does not want my business. I will shop elsewhere. I called 3 times to ask when the next sale was. A guy says yes Fri a 48 Hour Sale. I ask what is included. He says "I don't know." Call again, woman does not know, she transfers me, it rings, no answer. I call 800 number, they don't know. Website has no sale listed. So let's see, we're having a "sale" but no one at Macy's knows what it is. I'm not driving all the way there.

  • en

    Evo Vasq


    Was followed by undercover I myself am a loss prevention agent these lp' s have no experience if macys needs a real ap presence contact me at my email I can't believe how harassed I felt even after I even made my purchases thank you macys for that experience that's sarcasm by the way

najbliższy Dom handlowy

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