MAC Cosmetics i Hyattsville

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3500, East-West Highway, 20782, Hyattsville, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 301-559-8800
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Latitude: 38.9686274, Longitude: -76.9575033

kommentar 5

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    Dejanae Davis


    Oh gosh! I just left this Mac and had a terrible experience. No one seemed to want to help and there’s a new male associate that was pretty rude and impatient. I literally pondered on a item for 10 minutes and he stood by with a attitude refusing to help. Never come here because I sure won’t!

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    T T


    Yes this MAC is crowded alot but the young lady (preggo NC50) that was my assistant was Amazing after the horror of Marlow Heights. I had a few running around to do to get my makeup game back on point. Now I do recommend that you have patience and also have couth when a makeup counter is extremely busy. You will get your turn, it's often 3 or more ladies per associate. With that being said how you communicate will be a key factor to YOUR personal experience. Let me add body language is everything as well ladies.. Moving on..... Ok once again I was RETURNING products from that one horrible experience at Macy's counter Marlow Heights and I found out even though I paid with a Wells Fargo debit that lady at MLH keyed in I used a gift card.... PAUSE. Birdbrain associate Really! I'm a cash or debit offense ladies..Anywho I gave the associate my debit card it went through and my 5.00 refund went back after returning the product longwear she put in my bag. The associate was like NOOOOOOO you needed Studio fix, she literally knows nothing Jon I also was returning 6 finished containers to get my free lipstick. I asked the associate to pick out a lipstick suitable for my skin tone. She picked out AC7 All fixed up and I love it (matte) it was live at fist smear... This associate make up was slayyed to the gwads as well.. I will return

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    Diana Chicas


    I asked one of the ladies that worked there if she could help me find a product but rudely told me "I can't help you right now because I'm already looking for something else and my shift is almost over". I understand that your shift was almost over but why did you have to be so rude while trying to explain that?

  • Audrey Warren

    Audrey Warren


    The MAC counter is the worst. They are either out of products or not enough staff . Customers are walking out because of the long lines. A mes

  • Torri Jones

    Torri Jones


    Horrible Horrible Horrible customer service. as i went to the counter yesterday there was only one or two other customers besides me. After waiting for someone to assist me i walked over to the register and was ignored for at least15minutes. During this time one associate looked dead in my eyes and not once asked me did I need help, and then she went on break. Then , still waiting, the other two associates made eye contact with me and walked off to help another customer who came to MAC waaay after i was there.. After waiting and being ignored for over 15 minutes I left and WILL NOT return to that particular mac store. I would rather just order my products online.

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