M C Eye Center & Optical w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneM C Eye Center & Optical



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3221, Fannin Street, 77004, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-522-7448
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7404286, Longitude: -95.3765352

komentarze 5

  • en

    C Dotson


    I have been going to Dr.Pham for over 20 years. He is an excellent doctor, but over the most recent years his staff has become very rude, non chalant and inconsiderate. I took my two young nieces in for eye exams and the young lady totally ignored us even after I gave the children information. We sit there for over an hour with no other patients in the office. When I tried to talk to the young lady she just walked away. I am sad to say that after so many years of being loyal, I have to take my money elsewhere.

  • en

    Racer X


    Great service and Dr. Pham is very good at explaining to me about my eyes and how to take care of them, what glasses I should get, and what contacts to use.

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    Adriana Buenrostro


    This was my first visit with Dr. Pham's office. My boyfriend referred me here as he experienced an excellent visit the last time he was here for his contacts. Dr. Pham & his staff were very professional & super courteous throughout my visit! Dr. Pham really went above & beyond to ensure that my eyes were well cared for even more so than previous eye care professionals. I cannot say how amazing Dr. Pham & his team are at what they do! I will most assuredly refer all my friends & family should they need an caring, experienced & professional Optometrist!

  • en

    Michelle Maneevese


    Professional and knowledgeable. There are no fancy bells and whistles here. Just quality patient care. Michelle Maneevese, MD

  • en

    Vicky Mizell


    Dr. Pham treats every patient with a sincere and caring interest. He is very thorough with his exam and takes the time to get a comprehensive medical history. He doesn't cut corners and spends a lot of time educating his patients on whole body wellness including nutrition and exercise! He is like a breath of fresh air! His staff are very helpful with selecting the perfect frames and are very friendly and knowledgeable! Located in Midtown and open 6 days a week makes his business very accessible and convenient. I will never go anywhere else for my eye exams and glasses!!

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