Lush Beauty Salon w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneLush Beauty Salon



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2413, Grand Concourse, 10468, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-733-6866
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8605665, Longitude: -73.8986239

komentarze 5

  • en

    patricia crave


    Luly is the best at doing hair

  • Melanie Vargas

    Melanie Vargas


    Very good customer service and very professional with any nail designs.I personally recommend this place

  • en

    Jamana Krubally


    They so racist if not Spanish they won’t take u. It’s my second time I went there and was given attitude. The first time I went they where trying to see who is gonna do my nails. I went there again to get a refill I was told they close mind u o went there at 5 and they close at 7. Am really disappointed.

  • Nancy Gonzalez

    Nancy Gonzalez


    The place is unhygienic. I got a mani pedi and it was the worst ever. The wait itself wasn't bad, I understand there will be a wait in most places. However when I finally got my pedicure, the same dirty towels were used over and over for all the customers, the nail clipper and other nail tools were not disinfected after they were used on the person before me. Nor were they disinfected before they were used on me. Those same tools used for giving pedís are used to give manicures, again without being disinfected. I also got a haircut I asked for shoulder length hair with layers. What I actually received was a blunt cut. Overpriced for bad service.

  • Tiffany Gomez

    Tiffany Gomez


    I've went here twice for a professional haircut and both came out gorgeous! Once was a pixie with shaved sides, and the other was a regular pixie with long bangs. The workers here are nice and cater to what you want, not like other salons in the area who convince you to get what they want you to get. Love this place! Affordable prices and great level of experience. Will be going here for another cut and style this week. I guarantee you will enjoy your experience here!

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