Ludel's Uniforms w Yonkers

Stany ZjednoczoneLudel's Uniforms



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364, South Broadway, 10705, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-969-2664
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9210023, Longitude: -73.8957583

komentarze 5

  • en

    Guillaume Chazenfus


    Knowledgeable, friendly and efficient staff. Open all year round and always happy to help. Very accommodating.

  • en

    Rigo De La Rosa


    They do uniform monogram only when they want to not when you need it. The staff needs to smile more and treat their customers with a little respect. If we had more options for our kid uniform we would go some where else.

  • en

    Diana Ortiz


    Great Experience! Im a first time mom with a kid in school, and manager was patient and let me exchange sizes when needed. Its always nice when a company goes above and beyond for their customers! Thank You!!! Line gets long so get there early!!!

  • en

    Angelica Reilly


    I have been coming here since I was in elementary school & high school, now my children are come to receive their uniforms. I have nothing bad to say about this family oriented business, always helpful, always knowledge with years of experience. Yes the wait can be long at times but they do supply a wide range of schools across the area. Always a pleasure doing business here.

  • en



    I visited this location for the first time this summer and while the young man who helped us was great, the prices are insane. Please consider lowering your prices-I plan to mention it to the new school my child is attending that requires us to purchase from here. What really prompted me to write a review is the fact that after I spent close to $200 and that was only for half of what we needed I didn't even get a smile or thank you from the gentleman at the register. I suspect he was possibly the owner or manager-please note that customer service goes a long way.

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