Lucky Brand i Philadelphia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterLucky Brand



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1634, Walnut Street, 19103, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 215-732-8934
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.9497177, Longitude: -75.1689436

kommentar 5

  • Bret Lafty

    Bret Lafty


    It's a nice place but it's a little pricey

  • antwain brown

    antwain brown


    If any bad reviews about this store is fake... best lucky brand in the region hands down... stop lying people yall working for a different store. Stop it please. .. This store cares about customers first. Thanks For HELPING me. .

  • Thomas Le

    Thomas Le


    I went on to exchange an item bought as a gift and was refused an exchange for same item or something else. I spoke to sales associate and manager for an exchange but they didn't try to help flipping an additude. I tried to explain myself I was coming from far away and it was out of my way to come and make an exchange. I was treated as if I wasn't a valued customer. So I left upset and I was driving home I googled lucky brand store policies and they do honor returns or exchanges with or without a receipt. I promptly called back and made them look it up. The manager changed his tune when I was correct and I drove back into center city and made my exchange. I suppose some managers at fine clothing stores do not know store policies because they were too lazy to do the right thing. Customers are always right please treat valued customers with respect.

  • Barb B

    Barb B


    I always buy more than I intended to here because the sales are so great. Curse you Lucky Brand!

  • Saemyi Jeong

    Saemyi Jeong


    It's a small store but you can find what you want!

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