Lowe's Home Improvement w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczoneLowe's Home Improvement



🕗 godziny otwarcia

100, Overlook Boulevard, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-351-3500
strona internetowej: www.lowes.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1093495, Longitude: -74.0237503

komentarze 5

  • en



    Great experience! Tons of help with the most positive attitude!!! Lowe's hires the nicest people

  • Timothy Mendez

    Timothy Mendez


    Customer service is abysmal. Lack of management over employees. The store itself is great and carries a large variety, but good luck getting customers to come back. P.S. I'm still on hold (30 mins) after I was transferred 3 times. Hope management fixes this problem because this is a nice Lowe's.

  • Kevin Clark

    Kevin Clark


    If I could give a zero I would. We had the wrong microwave delivered, wanted our appliances installed only to be told they couldn’t day of because they couldn’t touch gas(it’s a gas stove) so they left it in our living room, had a set up again for the “right” microwave to be delivered only for them to no show, then they called saying sorry we sold it we have to order you another microwave that will coming in 7 business days....they set up another date of delivery and come which was today....wrong microwave again!!!!! Never order appliances with Lowe’s ever! Worst company ever! Go anywhere else!

  • Shaji Mathew

    Shaji Mathew


    Horrible customer service in this place. You need more help to assist customers. Waited several minutes for help in an aisle and nobody showed up! Not the first time either!!

  • Noah Shapiro

    Noah Shapiro


    Customer service associates are uncaring, treat customers like garbage. Don't know what they are doing and don't care. POOR customer service!!!

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