Louisiana Fish House i Houston

Forenede StaterLouisiana Fish House



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5055, Griggs Road, 77021, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 281-501-0432
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Latitude: 29.6987979, Longitude: -95.3387696

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cedric Ferrell


    The place looks clean and the food is good

  • en

    James Eller Jr


    You may not believe me until you try it for yourself, this place here, this place here is reeeeaaadddy. The food was cooked like somebody momma put they grandmother's foot in it.

  • Sexton Holmes

    Sexton Holmes


    It's clean and the food is consistent with great taste. Besides it pleases my grandma everytime

  • Charee Mason

    Charee Mason


    I go to this location several times with my children when I want to do something that's cheap but delicious. We order the lunch specials which turned out less than $10 a piece and the food is great.

  • en

    Brian Vincent


    Decided to try something different in the area. As previously stated in the reviews... Don't let the area its in... Or the outside appearance keep you from missing out on this great food. The inside atmosphere and service was excellent!! The food was amazing!!! Check this place out if you want some authentic Cajun style fish/shrimp. Will be going back in the future for sure!!!

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