Louisiana Charlie's w Long Beach

Stany ZjednoczoneLouisiana Charlie's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

429, Shoreline Village Drive, 90802, Long Beach, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 562-432-6737
strona internetowej: www.louisianacharlies.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7600905, Longitude: -118.1918066

komentarze 5

  • en



    Went back twice in one day. Spicy dog and Cajun fries were great! Second trip had the nachos listed as an appetizer but was a meal. I see a few negative reviews about customer service...overall my experience was good. A slight wait but enjoyed the view and purple haze beer. Bottom line....thought the food was great. Would certainly go back and recommend.

  • en

    Arnold Marquez


    Excellent place great food and the view is very nice. Service was fantastic portions are big so come hungry.... definitely coming back highly recommend.

  • Tara Evans

    Tara Evans


    The food and staff are really nice and open. I love the Shoreline on Sunday’s and this is my favorite spot to eat in the village. This is a cozy place, good music and the food is great!

  • Lanae Jones

    Lanae Jones


    Well first off I waited over an hour to be seated on the back patio but that was my choice so not really the problem. My problem was the customer service I was seated for 20 minutes no service, I overheard the waitress say I was playing musical chairs because I moved out the sun. I think some people are really rude. The food is great but it's starting not to be worth the hassle and yes you pay for parking.

  • en

    Nancy Contreras


    Second time here and the food was delicious. But the experience was unfortunately not good. Everything was great till a large group came in and we where literally rushed out by the manager/owner. She needs some etiquette lessons. You treat your customers right not rush them out because a large group comes in charge you and literally pushed out the back door. Never going back.

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