Louise's w Milwaukee

Stany ZjednoczoneLouise's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

801, North Jefferson Street, 53202, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 414-273-4224
strona internetowej: www.louiseswisconsin.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0414705, Longitude: -87.9058026

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brad Tarnof


    I had the steak salad. Salad was good. The steak was not quality plus a small serving. The bearded ones congragating at the bar, who manage/run the place ignore the customers and were boisterous with each other making more like a sports bar than a fine dining experience. I've gone there for years and the restaurant used to have some class. Not anymore, at this time. Appears to be inexperienced management and staff. Enough said.

  • en

    Frank Renzoni


    My wife and I have been coming here on and off for 20 years and the quality has not changed a bit. Food and service is excellent! However, come early as it gets noisy once it begins to fill up

  • en

    John S


    This comment applies to recent catered/large order experience. The pizzas (8) were average. However the salad that accompanied the pizzas had small black bugs in it. The salad cost is way too high and the quality has gone way down. You can do better Louise's. The cooking/packing staff needs to care what is going out the door.

  • Kathy Meyer

    Kathy Meyer


    Been here many times for lunch and dinner. Always very good food and service. Large menu. You'll love it here!

  • en

    Adam Schroeder


    Great experience every time. Julie D was a great server! Food came quick bread and waters were always full. The Papprdelle is on point time after time never a bad dish or experience at Louise’s.

najbliższy Restauracja

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